
Make Your Own

A step-by-step guide to making your own skincare products using homegrown aloe vera. Including how to extract aloe vera gel from the plant, and how to tell the di erence between aloe vera and agave. Plus, recipes!

In ancient times, aloe vera was called the “plant of immortality”. A true wonder of nature, this spiky succulent has a variety of uses, from treating acne scars and burns to reducing stretch marks, as well as moisturising, nourishing and soothing skin.

Apply aloe vera gel (the clear, bitter, jelly-like substance inside the leaf) directly onto the skin as a healing salve or combine it with other ingredients to make unique skin-soothing recipes.

It contains more than 75 identifiable nutrients and plant compounds, with various applications for health and healing. This galaxy of powerful healing agents makes aloe vera incredibly versatile for health, wellness, beauty and cosmetic uses.

Aloe vera gel has a high percentage of water and is not greasy, making it a very good moisturiser for troubled, acne-prone skin.

Antibacterial phenols help speed wound healing and proteolytic enzymes repel microbes that can cause dandru . Aloe vera has also been shown to stimulate collagen formation.

You can buy aloe vera gel at the store, or you can harvest your own from this easy-to-grow house and garden plant.

Step 1: Choose one of the outermost leaves of the aloe plant, making sure you pick one that is at least 8 inches long. This ensures that the leaf is mature and has plenty of gel inside.

Step 2: Cut o the leaf using a sharp knife at the base of the plant. Rinse o and discard any yellow ooze, which is aloe latex.

Step 3: Trim the top third of the leaf (the pointy end) and discard.

Step 4: With the leaf lying flat on a cutting board, cut o the hard, spiny edges on both sides.

Step 5: Slice open the green skin down the length of the leaf. You can also use a vegetable peeler to remove it. Underneath, you will see a layer of thick, clear gel at the centre. This is the aloe vera gel.

Step 6: Cut the bottom skin o as well and you will have a slab of clear aloe vera gel.

Step 7: Store the gel in a clean, airtight container. Refrigerate and use within one week.

Light moisturiser

Aloe vera gel is great for healing sun-damaged skin while moisturising. Apply about a teaspoon directly to your neck and face, avoiding the eye area. Use in the morning and evening.

Eye cream

• 1 vitamin E soft-gel capsule 1 tablespoon pure aloe vera gel

Puncture the vitamin E capsule with a pin and squeeze the oil into a small bowl. Add the aloe vera to the oil and mix well. With the pad of your finger, lightly dab a bit of the mixture on the skin surrounding your eyes. Apply nightly before bed.

Aloe vera, honey and sea salt scrub

Use organic, locally grown raw honey, which soothes the skin and naturally wards o allergens and bacteria, among other benefits.

• 2 tablespoons pure aloe vera gel

• ¼ cup organic sea salt

• 1 tablespoon organic raw honey

In a small bowl, combine the aloe vera gel and the sea salt. Mix to create a paste. Add the raw honey and blend well. Use as a face or body scrub, gently massaging it into the skin and rinsing o with warm water.

Aloe vera, honey and rosewater acne mask

Rosewater lends a lovely fragrance here.

• 1 tablespoon pure aloe vera gel

• 1 tablespoon organic raw honey

• 1 to 2 tablespoons rosewater

In a small bowl, combine the aloe vera gel, raw honey and rosewater to make a smooth paste.

Apply as a mask and keep on your face for no longer than 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Use up to three times a week to help with acne.

Aloe vera and vitamin E mask

Break open the vitamin E capsules and squeeze the oil into a small bowl. Add the aloe vera gel and mix well. Massage into a ected skin and let sit for at least one hour. Rinse o with warm water. Repeat twice daily.

Aloe vera and coconut oil rub for super hydration

• 10 vitamin E soft-gel capsules ¼ cup pure aloe vera gel

⅓ cup pure aloe vera gel

½ cup organic virgin coconut oil

Whisk together the aloe vera gel and coconut oil in a small bowl until flu y. Massage into stretch marks or extra-dry skin and leave on overnight. Use nightly.

Aloe vera and oatmeal bath soak

This soak soothes red, itchy or rashy skin as chlorophyll helps ease skin redness, while oats relieve itch and contain silica, which improves skin elasticity.

• 1 cup pure organic aloe vera juice

¼ cup liquid chlorophyll (available at health food stores) ½ cup rolled oats

Plug your bathtub and fill it with hot water. As the bathwater runs, add the aloe vera juice and liquid chlorophyll. Add the oats to a cheesecloth bag, tie it closed and add to the bath. Climb in and soak in the tub for 20 to 30 minutes. Towel dry and moisturise.

Aloe vera and ground co ee scrub for stretch marks

Co ee grounds exfoliate skin and may increase blood flow for e ective healing.

• 2 tablespoons pure aloe vera gel

• 2 tablespoons used organic co ee grounds

Mix the aloe vera gel and co ee in a small bowl until well combined. Apply to stretch marks, massaging in a circular motion. Let sit on the skin for 20 minutes. Rinse well. Towel dry and moisturise. Repeat 3-4 times per week.

Note: Working with ground co ee is messy, so use it in the shower and rinse well. Use only the recommended amount at a time and rinse the drain well after use.





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